"I wrote this book to teach you how to survive the financial system that was designed to hurt you."
Bathroom Economics
Understand economics in just a few sittings.
It is sad but true, our nation has almost no understanding of what liberty means. Since the early 1960's, our citizens have never been taught anything that would enable them to understand what liberty is and the financial effects of what the politicians are doing.
"There is nothing in our society that we know less about, that affects our lives more profoundly than economics, and politicians use this fact to control our lives and to get votes based on false information and ideas.
We are led like lambs to the slaughter because, by and large, we don't understand any better than the lambs what is happening."
That statement is the core of the purpose of Bathroom Economics - which is to help you better understand what is happening. You can't fight against something you know nothing about. As individuals begin to understand what is happening, they will rise to the occasion.

only $24.95
Saving the Constitution
It’s a book called Saving the Constitution. It is the only book written on the subject that is based on the original intent of the framers, not a distorted version based upon erroneous Supreme Court decisions, government officials ignoring the Constitution, political parties, and illegal amendments.
For example: How many Congressmen are required by the US Constitution? 50? 300? 435?
Nope, it’s in excess of 10,000. The US Constitution requires 1 representative for every 30,000 people.
The book is called “Saving the Constitution” because we all need to really know what it says in order to defend it. The book goes over each paragraph with an easy to understand, friendly explanation of what was originally written.

Hidden Lies of Banking
Most of us use bank accounts, but not many of us have any idea how banking works. Just like with casinos, your deposits work to the banker's advantage. You think that you own the money in your account, but you might be surprised to learn that you sign your money over to the bank, and only have access to the money.
"Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world! Those who understand it -- EARN it. Those who don't -- PAY IT!"- Albert Einstein
This book is the only way that you can learn how the system really works, and how you can avoid getting caught in the currency trap. 375 pages.
only $24.95
Now you can learn things that
most PHD's don't know!

We all know our country is in awful shape and getting worse every day. If we don’t wake up soon, there will be nothing to wake up for. We will have lost everything. Wresting that power back all require unimagined energy, sacrifice, and even blood.
The goal of our Founding Fathers was to create a government that would protect the citizen’s rights and lives. As a nation, we have allowed our government to deviate from the ideal of the Founding Fathers. How long are we going to allow it to continue?
These books explore what has been happening to our country and its freedoms by the actions of a few people who control our finances and the central banks. Their goal is control and domination, they do not respect the ideals of our founders. Rather, they seek to enslave us as a part of their One World Order.
Time and again, when Americans have faced similar insurmountable odds, we have gathered like-minded men and women, turned to God, sought for and found the strength to overcome. These perilous times call of no less courage than that which inspired our Founders. Do we have such citizens, willing to sacrifice their names, fortunes, and very lives in defense of liberty in this generation?
Book Dr. Proctor for your next radio interview or personal appearance

For a lively and informative presentation, you can arrange to have Richard Proctor as a guest on your radio show or podcast. Dr. Proctor also is excellent in live presentations for your company, school, or church group.